Home office: learn how to organize this space

office at home

Today, more than ever, working remotely has become a part of many people’s lives and if you work from home, either every day or sporadically, having a home office is more than mandatory.

If until today you have always worked at the dining table or on a makeshift little table in the bedroom, it is time to make your life easier and create an exclusive work space.

To help you with this task, we have selected the best tips for you to create the perfect space for the home office.

Define your needs

details of a home office

Before you start to buy furniture and objects from your home office, it is important to understand your need, such as, for example, a computer or additional screen, space to file papers, etc.

Plan everything you need in a work space from home and not only think about the look of this space, but above all, the functionality.

Choose the space

office at home

If you have a free room in your house, which is isolated from the circulation area or your bedroom, for example, this is the perfect place to do your office.

It is important to think about tranquility and privacy when working, but also to have separate spaces for work and rest, so as not to end up spending the most time in the same space.

If you only have one extra room in your house, an excellent option is to create a hybrid space, joining the office and the guest room in the same place.

Attention to connection


Before starting to set up a home office, make sure that the chosen location has a good internet connection and sufficient outlets for all the equipment that will be connected in that space.

If you do not have such a space, it is important to do electrical planning and signal replication, ensuring a good internet connection.

Plan the lighting

Lighting in the home office

As well as a good electrical network and internet connection, it is essential to do lighting planning in your home office, ensuring that you will have the necessary light to work either day or night.

If the place has natural light, do everything to take advantage of it, but be careful with the direct incidence of sunlight on the screen or directly in your eyes, which can disturb your work.

Correct posture

correct posture

Do not choose home office furniture thinking only about them visually, but above all, think about your posture.

The home office will be a place where you will spend long hours working, so carefully calculate the height of the table and purchase a chair that provides a posture that does not harm your posture.

Last details

Lastly, remember to add to the home office item that reflect your personality in decoration, making your feel at home, even when working

Organize your drawers, cabinets, and shelves so that the most used objects and documents are always at hand and make your everyday life easier.

And finally, how about putting a little bit of nature with a little plant or some handmade object? Oh, and don’t forget a clock to remind you to stop working and enjoy your family!