Hood, exhaust fan, or debugger? Know how to choose the best equipment for your kitchen

hoods, debugger and exhaust fan

Good air circulation in the kitchen is important so that the smoke, heat, and smells produced by food – especially grilled and fried foods – do not spread through the house. Therefore, the choice of the product that will take on the task of “cleaning” the air must be made judiciously.

And that’s when the hoods, exhaust fans and debuggers come in!

But what are the differences and similarities between these appliances?


One of the best known by most people, the debugger is usually the most suitable for houses and apartments, where usually the kitchens are smaller or where there is no space for the installation of air outlet pipes or chimneys, precisely because it is compact.

The debugger “recycles air” and returns it cleaner to the environment. This way, all the fat removed from the air is attached to a stainless steel grid, that is, it filters the air by removing only the fat.

The biggest disadvantage is that it requires constant cleaning order to keep everything working properly, so that the bad smell is not kept in the space.

Another point to be analyzed is that its potency is lower when compared to hoods and exhaust fans. But if you still opt for this model, the good news is that for decoration, debuggers can offer a wider variety of colors and sizes, easily adjusting to the decorative style of your kitchen.



The hood treats the vapors and gases resulting from cooking, sucking air, filtering and expelling it out of the kitchen. This process occurs through outlet pipes that can be installed on the ceiling, walls, or headliner.

Unlike the debugger, it not only eliminates fat and other odors, but also “renews the air” of the kitchen.

It is at this point that you need to be aware: the difference is in the destination that this air receives after it enters the device. While, the hood sucks and filters the air, sending it out, the debugger filters and throws the air once more into the space. And that’s exactly what makes a difference in eliminating heat, fat, and smells from food preparation.

There are many models of hoods that can be found for isles (which are in the center of the kitchen, usually in the gourmet style) and for walls.

The hood can work in two ways: exhaust mode and debugger mode. While the exhaust mode throws the hot air out of the room, the debugger mode captures this heated, greased air to filter it, and returns it clean to the kitchen.

The result is a kitchen free of 90% of odors and traces of fat.

Another positive point is that the hoods have gutters that allow a better direction of water and fat. Its cleaning is more practical since it has no filters. In addition to that, the recommendation is that these appliances are installed at least 70 centimeters from the stove for a good performance.

kitchen hood

Be careful when purchasing, because many people confuse the hood with the debugger, since both “renew the air”. And if the concern is to make it match with your décor, today on the market there are hoods for all tastes and with very modern designs – in different shapes and designs – that adapt to any type of space.

Exhaust fan

The exhaust fan has a propeller and engine for its operation, and promotes the exchange of hot air from the indoor environment by the cold air coming from outside the residence. That is, it does not do any kind of filtration or air purification like the other two appliances.


Because of that, its ability to remove the smell and traces of fat from the air is lower compared to hoods. This type of device still brings other negative points: it makes noise when it is working and its installation demands specialized labor due to the breaking of walls.

Therefore, it is recommended for large kitchens, such as industrial ones. Despite the disadvantages of home use, the exhaust fans are great for making the environment more pleasant and thermally comfortable.

Now that you know the main differences between the hood, exhaust fan and debugger, it will be easier to choose the best option for your kitchen, won’t it?