Sideboard: Design and functionality for your home

They are beautiful, stylish, and able to transform an environment, making any corner that was empty more complete and on top of that adding functionality to the environment. yes, we’re talking about the sideboards!

In the entrance hall, dining room, and even in the bedroom, they can serve as decorative items and still be useful for organizing the small everyday objects.

If you want to add a sideboard to your decor or enhance this piece within your home, follow the following tips to understand how the lookups can be synonymous with design and functionality.

Is there an ideal sideboard model?

There is no ideal model of sideboards for all decorations, but surely there is one that will make all the difference in yours.

To choose the ideal model of sideboard for your home it is important to choose a piece that chats with the rest of your furniture, so it will complete the decor and fit perfectly to the environment.

On the market there are the most varied models of dressers, from those that follow the retro line, to the most modern and to find out what will match your decor, pay attention to some details such as material, shape, and color.

The ideal size for the sideboard

Thinking about the model should not be your only concern when choosing a new sideboard for your home, the size also needs to be according to the space you have for it.

Ideally, the sideboard is not too small for space, nor too large to disrupt circulation or become visually disproportionate.

Before buying your sideboard, take the measurements of your space and determine a maximum and minimum measure that the furniture needs to have.

How to decorate the sideboard

The way you will decorate your sideboard will depend on many factors, the most important of them is to balance design and functionality.

You should take into account the purpose of that furniture and how it can help you reflect your personality and the style of your home.

If you usually have plants in the decor, for example, a great option is to have vases on, next to and even under the sideboard, but if on the other hand you prefer a minimalist environment, opt for a bench and free surroundings.

Take advantage of this space to display pictures with family photos, a decoration object that does not fit elsewhere in the house, and even a box to put some important papers such as bills and invitations to events.

Hanging a mirror or a painting over the sideboard is an excellent way to value the furniture and still give it one more function.

If you don’t want to stick to the wall, opt for a double-sided tape to fix or you can still use a decorating trick and just support a mirror or painting on the sideboard.

Always leave free space on the sideboard, after all, one of its functions is to support the owners’ personal objects such as keys, wallets, and jewelry when they arrive home.

Contrary to what many think, the sideboard does not necessarily need to be placed against a wall, although this is the most common way to be used, it can also be placed behind a sofa or armchair and even make the division between two spaces.

Sideboard at the Entrance Hall

You can find a function to the sider by placing it in your lobby, so it can serve both for decoration and for organizing some items.

Next to it you can put some hooks for coats and bags and below reserve a space for the shoes to be left when you arrive from the street.


The sideboard can be more than a decorative element, but a real help when organizing the routine of the house.

Remember that every corner of your home can, and should, serve to make the environment more comfortable and enhance the style of the owner.

If you believe that a sideboard can be the solution to that obsolete space, bet on the piece and use all your creativity to leave it with your face.