Commercial space decoration with style

Planning the décor of a commercial space may not be as simple a task as you might think.

If, on the one hand, when decorating a house you can put the entire personality of the owners in every detail, on the other, the decoration of a commercial space asks for sobriety.


But it is not because the space should be sober that it should be stylish, after all, it is possible to create a corporate environment with very good taste.

In addition to the visual purpose, the commercial environment also needs a lot of care regarding the comfort and functionality of the spaces.

Below, check out the main points you need to worry about when decorating a commercial space.

Identify the company’s principles


The characteristics of the company that will function in space is the first thing that should be thought of.

If the company has a more relaxed or more formal theme, what is the segment of the people who will work there, and above all, the public will have access to the space.

The type of service and product that this company offers should communicate to the décor, which will reflect the values and purposes of the company.

Think about the work day routine


The décor of a commercial space needs to be thought of to serve as a comfortable and functional space for those who will work there every day.

Therefore, details such as the ergonomics of the furniture and the ideal lighting for the work performed in that space can directly influence the productivity of the professional who will work there.

Some elements that allow rest during the workday can also be important in a commercial space, thinking about the well-being of the professionals.

Avoid overloading in decor


Placing some decorative elements, but without function inside a commercial space can be a mistake when designing it.

In a corporate space, the decoration should serve certain purposes, that being labor, organization, or rest, so having a decoration with excess elements is unnecessary.

Opt for tables, chairs, and armchairs that are by themselves elements with an interesting design, balancing the visual with the functional.

Plan the lighting carefully


When planning the lighting of the office space, it is important to determine the function of each space, for a moment of focus or a space for moments of relaxation.

In the space where working is the main purpose, one should use cold light, and where it is necessary for a relaxing space, warm light.

Puteverythingin its place

Finally, the organization is a key point to be thought of in the process of decorating a commercial space.

In a corporate environment, you need to plan storage and organization spaces for documents, office supplies, etc.


Therefore, there is no need to create a minimalist space without drawers, cabinets, or exaggerating on open shelves that would leave these items exposed.

Think carefully about these spaces of organization so that the work of professionals is not affected by the lack of places to store certain objects.

When decorating a corporate space, the design does not need to be left aside, but the functionality and well-being of professionals who will perform their work there should be put in first place.