How to promote well-being in a space with Luize Bussi

Well-being is one of the most important sensations that must be provoked in a space – especially when it comes to residential ones. After all, the place that serves as a host needs to promote, like no other, enough peace and tranquility. “Well-being is often associated with sensations rather than serious changes that we need to make”, explains architect and decor influencer Luize Bussi.

To help you, we invite Luize to cite seven essential tips to promote well-being in a space. Check them out:

7 tips to being well-being to the home

Keep the house organized

“Keeping the house organized reminds us of the space is ready to welcome us, whereas when it is messier, we don’t feel as welcomed. This even in some traditions, like Feng Shui itself, speaks of something in this sense. So I think this issue is important ”, comments Luize.

Bet on the plants

“The use of plants purifies the air in the spaces. Having a green space is also very comforting and this is also interesting. The flowers, on the other hand, even because of the natural color give a stimulus and the feeling of a home that is always alive. Another use of natural elements, for example, can be those Brazilian stones that are also super beautiful. You can also have a small fountain, which makes it possible to hear the noise of the water. Such elements will activate the senses and promote the improvement of the quality of the space ”, says the architect.

Essential Materials

“I would recommend the use of different textures. For example, a knitting blanket on a sofa, a pillow that has a different fabric than what is being used in the space or some rug that has a more different texture. It is important even for the stimulation of the senses. Touch is a very perceptive sense, so we need to work with these different textures in a harmonious way so that they can give us this more biological feedback ”, she says.

Affective memory

According to Luize, well-being is also promoted when we activate memory. “The use of elements that rescue the affective memory, such as pictures of pleasant moments. You don’t need to have it all over the house but choose a space, an area with a large circulation to sprinkle with some elements, such as those photos or paintings that you won from someone and that will rescue this affective memory of pleasant space ”, she says.

Bet on the colors

“The use of colors that refer to tranquility and that accept the overlapping of other more stimulating colors are important. For example, pleasant and neutral colors on the walls, like an off white tone, in contrast to the normally white ceiling already gives a little variation and it also reminds us of the feeling of tranquility. Then I can perfectly put a very colorful work of art. So I create these counterpoints, but, in general, the environment adopts a color that refers to this feeling of tranquility ”, points out Luize.

Bet on the senses

For the architect, “the use of elements that stimulate the senses, such as ambient scents, scented candles, are interesting to create a corner that is your corner of the house. You can live with more people, but having that corner where you put your plant, the candle, the scent, the place that you will like to read a book, listen to a song, this is quite interesting because all the stimulation of the rescuing affective memory will give us a feeling of well-being ”.


“If there is an environment in your home that you don’t like, you need to change. Sometimes they are not big changes, but changing the color of the walls, changing the fabric of the sofa. The first step for you to achieve well-being is to be satisfied with the space in which you live. He has to communicate his identity, you have to feel that he is welcoming. It’s like tight clothing. If that is bothering you in any way, you can’t feel good. So I would recommend analyzing that small interferences can have great positive effects ”, concludes Luize.