In the comfort of the living room: we have never invested so much in homes

It is fair to say that people who may have the privilege of being in a rigid quarantine have never spent so much time in the comfort of the living room, enjoying all that their home can offer.

Our home has become, more than ever, our refuge, our safe haven. In addition, the growing violence in the country has caused people, especially older people, to stay longer in the comfort of their homes, due to the fear of going out on the street and, from this, being exposed to everything.

With this in mind, we started to invest more in our homes and in their living spaces mainly, the main one being the living room. In this article, we will discuss this relationship a little bit.

What does the comfort of the living room do?

Let’s imagine a situation: a school-age child is asked to design a complete living room with everything they want. The child will scribble, of course, a TV, a video game, some toys, but a piece of furniture that they will always remember and immediately associate the living room will be the couch.

We’ve never spent as much time on the couch as we are now. This piece of furniture, so essential in the living room, over time has become not only a piece of furniture that provides comfort when watching TV or reading newspapers but an indispensable piece of decoration for lovers of interior design.

But, do you know the types of sofa and understand which is best suited to make up your living room? See below some of the most popular types and compare with your needs and, why not, with your personality.

Remember that choosing wrong your sofa may, besides not being a harmonious choice for your living room, also cause some inconvenience.

How to choose a sofa?

Some elements should be taken into consideration when choosing a sofa to make up your living room, where you will spend your time with children, dogs, cats and visitors.

There will always be a sofa that catches your attention, but will this always be ideal for you? Analyze the texture of the coating and the foam with which it is filled. Will it be an easy-to-clean sofa or will this model take more time? Do you have time for this or budget to hire a professional cleaning service?

Also, how is the fiber of the sofa that you intend to acquire? Mainly for those who have children and animals at home, a waterproof fiber is one of the best buying options, you can opt for the leather sofas, which have easy sanitation, or the modern acquablock fabric, which is fully waterproof.

Don’t forget to measure the space where you plan to place your new sofa and make sure you find one that fits that space. Avoid the headache of moving various pieces of furniture around to adapt them to your new sofa. It’s your new couch that has to suit them.

Last but not least, consider whether or not the couch is too deep. This can make a simple home cinema session a hindrance to your spine. The sofa should be suitable for the stature of all people residing in the house.

Now that we’ve talked about the points to be analyzed to choose a sofa, let’s show the types of sofa that exist on the market. Have fun reading about and choosing what your next one will be!

Which type of sofa to choose to achieve the most comfort in the living room?

Many types of sofa are available in the market in their most diverse formats. Below is a list of the most popular types for you to choose your mobile. Do not forget that in addition to matching with the room, the furniture should convey your personality!

Traditional sofa

The traditional sofa is the one we have always had, where we often carry fond memories of the home of new grandparents or uncles.

By itself, the traditional sofa already has several models of upholstery and coating, being ideal to compose a simple living room, including for its most affordable price.


Do you get visitors constantly? The sofa-bed is great for that! Versatility is the strong point of this sofa, serving mainly environments with more limited space.

The sofa-bed is used both to host casually and to comfortably accommodate them at night if they stay.

Retractable and reclining sofa

Among all types of sofa, this is the champion in comfort. Those who usually spend a lot of time in front of the TV should have this kind of couch as their best friend.

In addition to retracting and reclining, offering much more positions than the upright spine of a traditional sofa, it often also has a footrest, offering the maximum comfort that a sofa can bring.

L-shaped Sofa

Quite popular in the 1980s, appearing in many films of this period (which caused a real fever among housewives), is a traditional sofa that suits wall corners.

They are perfect for those who have lots of people to accommodate and want to enjoy more of the space. Not to mention that its charm was not restricted to the 1980s.

So, did you get the tips for achieving the most comfort in the living room through the couch?

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There’s nothing better than feeling good about a well-made purchase we made. So choose well the furniture that will compose and harmonize your living room so that you have the best possible quality of life.