Common Areas that amaze!

Who doesn’t have a good memory of as a child, played in a garden, touched the earth, lay on the grass, plucked leaves from plants, or played in the street and managed to go as high as they could on a tree?

These memories that we carry with us forever are life experiences that allow us to be better as human beings, which is to be able to have moments of contact with nature, that is good!

And how to do when the population grows in various corners of the planet, cities increase, the demand for more housing, more buildings, and increasingly higher, more cars on the streets, more traffic … more challenges in mobility… finally new needs, a new world, a new space, space that, as time goes on, is inevitably scarcer and more expensive.

Who is part of my generation understands well what I’m talking about because the newer generation is probably born in this new scenario of more buildings, more sidewalks, less grass, less nature, and less space.

I do not mean that today the needs have worsened or improved, I will not enter this context so immense, but undoubtedly today’s housing needs have changed.

I made this initial reflection to humbly show you that, as architects, we have a duty to offer through projects and concepts, a possibility to improve the quality of life of people through the built spaces that greatly influence our lives.

And where do I as an architect enter myself in this context?

integrated areas

I chose to work in corporate spaces that influence and need to meet a higher demand of people per square meter, and the spaces necessarily need to be very functional, practical, pleasant, with current technology, well equipped, adaptable, inspiring and mainly because they can offer more quality of life in the use of these spaces.

And I chose to act in the Common Areas of enterprises because they are potentially generating spaces of higher quality of life for the residents of buildings in large cities or in large centers, because with less m2 of space they can through shared use (the name itself says, “Common Areas”) provide more space, more contact with nature, more social life and finally more quality of life of residents without having to depend so much on necessarily large spaces as before.

It is a change that has been happening for some time in residential and commercial buildings in large centers in Brazil and the world. We are in a moment of rescue, appreciation of quality of life, appreciation of where we live, rescue of the home, and especially in the valorization of the and application of Biophilia*, buildings that provide greater contact with nature, proven through studies* that nature provides us with more health, peace and more quality of life.

“Architects and designers are now looking for solutions that will resonate well into the future, turning to ‘biophilia’ as an important source of inspiration that promotes well-being, health, and emotional comfort.” (Archidaily)

We are in search of more free time and less time in traffic, an easier routine, among others and we cannot expect solutions from the city, we can do our part creating and contributing to more common spaces that can absorb multiple functions of our daily life in one place … in our building that we live in. Spaces to live, rest, work, socialize, and spaces for physical activities in one place! Amazing, isn’t it?

What are the Common Areas and what are they offering today?

common areas in buildings

Today we are finding buildings that offer more valued spaces in the Common Areas, with more generous spaces, more flexible, functional, decorated, comfortable, equipped, with intelligent technology, with safety and well-being.

In addition to the classic social events room but more elaborate and comfortable, there are more developments offering full gyms, indoor pools with lanes, spaces for spa and beauty, coworking, study and meeting spaces, teen spaces, minimarket, bike rack with space for maintenance, electric car parking, larger and safer spaces for the delivery and storage of packaging via e-commerce and parking/access facilitated for private transport such as UBER, community gardens, the possibility of recycling garbage, and capture and use of rainwater. Several new possibilities that remind us of the past, the welcoming… to our home!

What am I supposed to do?

I offer solutions and enable projects, with the choice of the best product and the best service, through three fronts:

  1. Financial planning
  2. Market study
  3. Interior execution

Budget-focused items without losing design, pattern, and layout.
It is a specialized service for Builders and Developers, specific to the Common Areas, Commercial Areas, and Decorated Apartments.

What do I and my clients, builders, and entrepreneurs have in common? Make Common Areas amazing spaces for your residents!

Some Special Customers:

BLUH – Avantti Construction

Atman – MDGP Incorporations

FLOW – Víncere Construtora

Some amazing articles that contributed to this subject:

The benefits of biophilia for architecture and interior spaces

What is Biophilia?

Common Areas – The impact of modern life on condominiums › materials › item

New condominiums are born with common areas planned and directed to the profile of residents. In old buildings, the suitability of these spaces

Be asurprise yourself with the Common Areas of serra Juvevê

Priscila Feuers Corporate Architect

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