How to highlight a dining room wall

The dining room is an environment that asks for a personal decoration and details that fill the space in a cheerful and discrete manner.

Below, check out some decorating ideas for a dining room wall and get inspired to decorate yours with style and creativity.


The mirror is an excellent way to enlarge the space and add an elegant element to your dining room.

Whether it’s a framed mirror, a multi-mirror composition, or a single piece that covers the entire length of the wall, the mirror can be the perfect piece for your dining room.

When adding a mirror in an environment, it is important to look at the role of light in the space, so that no light shines directly at it, because when reflected can cause discomfort in the room.


A device that has been widely used in walls of dining rooms, but that does not lose its importance is the use of texture.

Currently, 3D wallpaper and 3D tiles are stylish options that can add texture to your dining room while remaininging elegant.

German corner

An excellent way to decorate your dining room and still ensure comfort and style is to opt for a German corner dining set.

The German corner dining set consists of a bench that sits against the wall, as if it were a sofa. The element, in addition to being stylish, it increases the number of seats.

Whether wooden or cushioned, opting for a bench instead of chairs will give your dining room personality.


Natural elements are excellent for decorating your dining room. The stones give a rustic air to the environment that connects the decor to nature.

Ideal for those who have an outdoor area at home, the stone wall can still have a waterfall, bringing tranquility to your family meals.


From the most modern to the most rustic, several decor styles use plants.

Plants connect with nature and add unique colors, shapes and textures to the decor.

You can opt for vases on the floor, on furniture or shelves or even on a green wall, adding a real forest to your dining room.


The paintings in the decoration are basic pieces that can be used to fill spaces and bring more life to the space.

In the dining room, the ideal is to opt for large paintings that can be admired from a certain distance without causing discomfort.

Bookshelves and shelves

Bookeshelves and shelves are great for decorating and serve as storage space for objects that can be used during meals.

When opting for open shelves, ideally think of each item as a decorating object, so this way tou won’t cause the impression of a mess.

For those who have an open concept space, using an open bookshelf can be a great option to divide the space without blocking light and prevent the visibility from one place to another.


Enjoy the free wall space of your dining room to complement your decor with lots of style and creativity.

Adding colors, textures and even a wall of plants can give your dining room a completely new look.

Get your ideas off the paper and get inspired by Decor Influencer’s tips for renovating your home.