Plants in decoration: a touch of nature in your home

In the past few years, having plants inside your home has gone from a simple hobby to a stylish decoration style full of charm.

Plants bring lightness, tranquility, and connection with nature to your home and are the best and most original way to add green to the décor.

Even with few resources, it is possible to decorate your residence and have many species.

Every corner of your home can provide necessary conditions so that some different type of plant can adapt, grow and beautify.

But it is important to remember that plants are living beings, need care and have specific needs, both to stay healthy and to compose the decoration, so it is important to know a little more about them.

Why use plants in decoration?

1. Purify the space of your home

As they are natural filters, plants purify the air, promoting health and well-being for you in your time at home.

Substances such as ammonia and benzene are examples of pollutants that plants such as the dragon-tail plant, Dracaena trifasciata, and peace lily can absorb from the air.

2. Add texture, contrast and life to the house

There is nothing better than a vase with a beautiful plant to contrast with sobriety and add life to the décor.

3. Connection with Nature

In the midst of the routine and chaotic and troubled life of large urban centers, plants bring us tranquility and reconnection with nature.

Understanding plant types

To find the perfect plan for the interior of your home, it is essential to raise some points such as the conditions that the room that will receive the plant offers, as well as its routine and time to have the care required by each plant.

If you are a person who is absent enough and has the habit of spending days away from home, flowers and foliage may not the best option for you.

Cacti and succulents, on the other hand, are more resistant and can spend long periods without much attention.

Before choosing, it is necessary to pay attention to the light, temperature and humidity of the room that will house each plant.

Plants basically need three things to live healthy: water, light and nutrients.

For some plants, just leave the vase in a sunny location, watering only once a week.

While other species need daily care, with greater observations of their exposure to light.

There are several plants that adapt very well to indoor spaces.

Another key consideration is to check the space available for your plant and see which one is ideal for each species.

The plants go well anywhere, whether in the living room, bedrooms, kitchen, and even with your bathroom.

The ideal plant type for you

We have listed for you some wonderful plants for your decoration:


Extremely easy to care for and incredibly popular, succulents are small and delicate plants.

There are several types of succulents for all tastes and requirements.

Some give flowers, some don’t, some prefer sun, some prefer shade.

You should evaluate your choice taking into account all these possibilities.

The rule varies by species.

Swiss cheese plant

The most popular plants in interior decoration photos, the famous Swiss cheese plant is a unique plant.

Its name comes from the shape of its leaves that really resemble Swiss cheese.

Its leaves are large and deep green. The Swiss cheese plant beautifies the space due to its size, which is more advanced if the vase and space allow.

This species should be watered frequently, keeping its soil always moist, keeping the lighting low in the shade or half shade.

The difficulty in the care of this species is moderate.

Dracaena trifasciata

Of African origin, Dracaena trifasciata is one of the most popular plants used in interior decoration.

This is due to its beauty and unique appearance and its extreme resistance, making it easy to maintain.

It should receive half-shade or full sun lighting and be watered weekly.


Popular and charming, these small plants should be planted in small pots.

Although the color of its flower and the name are related to the violet color, this species can also be found in white color.

They do not tolerate cold or frost, so water with warm water.

It should be grown in half shade or low light.


During the day, this plant seeks to receive maximum light, with its leaves arranged horizontally, and at night, its leaves are raised.

For that reason, it has the nickname of prayer plant.

This plant has some variations and, in addition to shades of green, this plant can also have shades of pink and purple.

They should be placed in the half-shade, because if placed directly under the sunlight, their leaves are discolored, rolled and with dry margins.

The soil should be kept moist without soaking. Spray the leaves with water on drier days. In winter, watering can be loosened.


One of the most popular plants in apartments of all types and decoration styles, the fern is one of the best plants for air purification.

The species needs to be cultivated in half shade with protection.

Ferns are resistant to low temperatures during winter.

It should be watered between 1 and 2 days, to keep the earth moist, but it is important to always be attentive not to rot the root.


If you seek an easy plant to take care of and a beautiful species for your decoration, cacti are great options.

They need little care, but it is essential to expose to the sun.

From the desert origin, this plant has unique shapes each has its own beauty.

In the scorching heat of the arid deserts, cacti are one of the very few ways of life capable of adapting and overcoming all obstacles, as they have water reservoirs that allow this plant to survive long periods without receiving water.

Dragon-Tail Plant

No, we are not talking about a snake, but a beautiful plant for you to decorate your house.

This tropical climate plant likes to live in the shadows, being perfect for cultivation indoors.

It should be grown in half shade, or in direct sun, and does not survive at lower temperatures.

Watering should be done twice a week.

Peace Lily

A beautiful, however, poisonous plant, so it is against suitable for homes with curious children and pets who can eat it accidentally.

Cultivated in half shade, it should receive sunlight in at least half the day.

Resistant to low temperatures and cold weather.

It should be watered 2 to 3 times a week.

Chinese Money Plan

It may not seem like it, but Pilea Peperomioides is in the succulent family.

Its leaves are round, delicate and thin, deep green and bright in color.

They live well in places that receive good light intensity, such as coffee tables and corner tables in the living room or window sills.

It is a plant of moderate difficulty with regard to care and should be watered only when the soil is dry.

Aloe Vera

You should already know this plant because of its properties to heal cuts and its famous nourishing for skin and hair.

It can be planted on land with low fertility and adapts well in pots.

It should be grown in direct sun with at least 8 hours of daily light.

Watering should be carried out once a week, spraying water.

Did you like our plant guide? I bet you found a lot of reasons and inspirations to go to the nearest flower shop and buy your new plants, didn’t you?

The important thing is to bring the feeling of relaxation, sensitivity, and peace that plants bring to your home.