Symbols of warmth and sophistication, fireplaces bring charm to the décor

Symbols of warmth and sophistication, fireplaces are no longer considered restricted items for those who live in the coldest regions and today, conquer space in the residences. Modern and increasingly democratic, fireplaces not only provide warmth to a space, but they are also the center of all eyes.


And you’re wrong about anyone who thinks the fireplaces are old-fashioned. Today’s models value elegant features with sophisticated design and add charm to the décor.

And no matter what kind of décor you prefer – classic, contemporary, romantic, vintage, boho – they always harmonize with any kind of space, besides bringing a special charm and warm the cold days.

If in the past they were considered a possibility for the few and associated with the need for major changes in the project, or works, today this is no longer a problem.

Thanks to technological innovations, it has become much easier to add this piece and its various benefits in homes of any type or size without the work noises.

The options range from the most traditional, with chimneys and heated to firewood, to the most modern and ecologically correct, with gas heating and volcanic stones.

Classic fireplace

black fireplace with brown wooden frame

The classic is the best-known type of fireplace. Supplied with firewood, requires skilled labor and the installation of a chimney or exhaust duct for the smoke.

Therefore, this model is usually built along with the property and planned since the initial project, since the subsequent installation requires major renovations and changes in the structure.

But the market also offers prefabricated models of masonry, metal, or concrete. It is necessary that the size of the fireplace is proportional to the size of the space where it will be installed, preventing it from having too much unwanted soot.

Another disadvantage of this model is in the production of odor, waste, and rapid burning of firewood, requiring frequent refueling. Another point is that it does not have such a high heating capacity. Still, the traditional model has a special charm, with the sound of the popping of the wood and the differentiated atmosphere, as refined as rustic.

Gas fireplace

Another option on the market is the gas fireplace, which dispenses with ducts and chimneys, but requires installation care and gas piping that meets safety and ventilation standards.

fireplace to gas

Despite the work or indispensable refurbishment for the operation of the gas fireplace, this model has the advantage of dispensing with frequent refueling of firewood or alcohol.

Some models can be triggered even by remote control, ensuring the creation of a cozy space almost immediately. The charm of the gas fireplaces goes far beyond the ability to heat the house without any trace of smoke or dirt.

With natural gas or LPG (canister), these fireplaces should be specific to the type of gas you intend to use.

Although this model does not require as many design requirements (such as traditional wood-burning fireplaces), you will need a gas spot just like on the stove. Still, handling and preparation are much simpler.

Another advantage is in the heating they provide: without a chimney, the heat concentration becomes much higher in the environment.

Electric fireplace


Another type trending these days is the electric fireplace. Similar to a heater, it produces heat to heat the environment, simulating fire through light effects.

The flames are reproduced in 3D images, providing visual comfort similar to that of fire. It’s easy to activate: to turn on, just press a button on the remote control without getting up from the sofa. Some models even allow you to change the color of flames, ensuring maximum visual impact.

Another advantage of the electric fireplace is that it does not require internal cleaning and the brightness of the flames can also be. As for consumption, it depends a lot on the chosen model. An electric fireplace of 1500W of power heats an environment of up to 25m² consuming 1.5K/h.

Ecological fireplace

Gas fireplace

Now, following the premise of conscious consumption and in tune with the environment, the choice for an ecological fireplace, which does not cause environmental impact, is the way to follow.

With a minimalist and sophisticated design, this model is the perfect option for those who live in apartments or do not want to undertake major renovations, since it can be embedded on different surfaces, such as wood or natural stone.

Supplied with ethanol, the ecological fireplace emits no smell, no smoke, and does not need maintenance on internal components. In addition, eco-friendly versions are the only ones that can be used indoors without the vent hood or cross-ventilation —so they’re ideal for apartments. Another advantage is that it can be acquired in several models, such as laptops and recessed ones.

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